Sunrise via Park 45

September 15, 2022 @ 7:30 am
Cocoa Village Parking Lot

Weather permitting, we’ll head North, since it may rain, this is a shorter route.  click for link

B ride, with some portions at B+ and A- pace. Routes depend on participants & wind/weather conditions. Ride Leader(s) vary.

Meet in Cocoa Village Parking Lot, 98 Stone Street, just north of Cocoa City Hall and west of Cocoa Village.

Distances range from 45 to 65 miles (75 to 100 km). Plan accordingly with food/hydration. Rides usually break somewhere midpoint for rest/refuel.

Participants must have current SCFW membership. If necessary, please renew or join the Club.

These are not introductory group rides; you should be capable and confident riding in a group, with enough endurance to comfortably finish a 3 to 4 hour ride. You should also have no concern about fixing flats, should they happen, and carry the equipment to do so.

That said, these are “no-drop” rides: we don’t leave fellow Freewheelers behind.